How You Can Raise Money Through Sports

There are few goals in life as noble as trying to raise money for those who need it. While a charity event is an excellent opportunity to help those who need it the most, they are also a chance to have some fun! Fundraising has changed a great deal in recent years, but people have always enjoyed undertaking challenging tasks and being sponsored to run marathons or hike mountains.



With the advent of crowdfunding, the potential money that you can raise through the right fundraising campaign is quite amazing. If you have a love for sports, why not work these into your fundraising event? If youre finding yourself scratching your head trying to work out how you can make money from sports, lets take a look.

Raffle Merchandise

This is a tried and tested method of raising money effectively for charity. People love stuff! They love it so much that theyre willing to pay money for it. So, when you offer it to them for free, its like Christmas has come early! By selling raffle tickets, with the chance to win some reasonably good prizes, you should be able to raise funds with ease.

The biggest challenge here is going to be sourcing merchandise. You can ask the public for donations and in some cases, it might be acceptable to raffle a used item. However, to really make the raffle stand out, and the tickets sell, you will want to try and offer brand new prizes. If you come across a great deal on a pair of figure skate boots, for example, snap them up and raffle them off!

Organize a Charity Match

Wherever you live, you will almost certainly have a few local sports teams nearby. You might struggle to get any major league teams to work with you, but local and semi-amateur teams may well be willing to help out. Playing in a charity match is an excellent way for these teams to raise their profile, and to gain some positive PR.

If that avenue doesnt prove fruitful for you, consider setting up a match where local people play one another. There are many possible sports out there so see how much interest there is and then decide which sport will be best to pursue.

Turn it Into a Tournament

If youre able to generate enough interest, you could turn your charity match into a charity tournament! A tournament will involve a number of individuals or teams competing with one another. Again, it will help you to know roughly how much interest there will be before you make any final decisions on the sport and the format.

No tournament will be complete without a grand prize, though! This is somewhere where even a relatively major sports team might be willing to donate some prizes for you. It is definitely worth contacting them to ask.

If you love playing sports, and you want to make a difference and do something selfless, it is easy to combine sports and fundraising. The only limits on what you can do are set by your own imagination. Remember, it is always worth approaching local organizations who might be able to donate prizes or help to promote your event.

Great examples of successful crowdfunding campaigns

PledgeSports is the global leader in crowdfunding & sponsorship for sport.

Are you or someone you know raising money for sport? If so, get in touch with us via, or visit and hit €œCreate A Campaign€ to start raising money today!

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