Frequently asked questions

How Do I Sponsor A Person/Campaign?

Simply choose the campaign you want to sponsor, click the big blue support button and fill out the form with the required information  choosing whatever amount you like.

Who Processes My Transaction?

We use the globally renowned Stripe payment system to process each transaction. Stripe charge 1.4% + 0.25
for European cards, excluding VAT. and 2.9% + 0.25 for non-European cards, excluding VAT. on funds received. for more.

What is TalentBacker?

We are a unique Talent funding and Talent sponsorship platform for professional/amateur musicians, bands, actors, acting groups, filmmakers, dancers, entertainers of all sorts, brands and organisations. Through TalentBacker, fans and commercial sponsors can help aspiring talent to achieve their dreams through the modern phenomenon of crowdfunding.

What is Talent Crowdfunding?

Talent crowdfunding is a 21st century movement. It is the collective effort of people who pool money and network to support other individuals or businesses, mainly using another modern invention to connect: social media. You know, Twitter and Facebook and stuff.

How Does TalentBacker Work?

TalentBacker provides a arts/entertainment funding platform for both fans and organisations to contribute to the career of a chosen individual or group. By pledging funds, they can make it possible for these talented people to excel and succeed within their disciplines. Funds are raised within a given period. Once this comes to an end, the individual or group has access to the contributions.

When do I Receive Funds From My Campaign?

By using our payment system “Stripe“ your crowdfunding raised funds will be transferred to you as its donated.

Does TalentBacker Charge a Fee?

Yes. We charge a fee of 8% on all the funds raised in our talent crowdfunding campaigns.

Can Anyone Create a Campaign?

TalentBacker is dedicated to arts/entertainment so all campaigns must be arts/entertainment related, and we only run crowdfunding campaigns for serious individuals/groups.

So, yes, any musician, actor, band, dancer, comedian, filmmaker, arts groups, organisation or other non listed arts/entertainment related people/groups can create a campaign so long as they’re willing to take it seriously.

If you are under 18 years of age, we require written approval from a parent or guardian.Alternatively a parent, guardian or family member can run the campaign for you. They will have ownership and full responsibility for the campaign.

How Do I Create a Campaign?

Create an account on the site, hit Create a Campaign on our Homepage to begin building your campaign. Why not send us a mail first to and we will provide you with a detailed document on how to best to compose and manage your campaign. Once approved, we will make it public.

Do I Have to Add Rewards to My Campaign?

We strongly advise you to add rewards to your crowdfunding campaign if you want it to be successful. It is not obligatory, but you are more likely to get bigger sponsors if you can offer them something in return.
Why not email us and we”ll give you some ideas for rewards specific to your campaign: ? Be creative, imaginative. Think about what you would like to receive yourself for the amount you are contributing.

Can I Edit My Campaign After it is Submitted?

Yes you can, simply click post update to edit your campaign after you have already submitted!

How Long Does it Take to Get Approved?

We need to check through all the bits and pieces of every crowdfunding campaign, just to make sure it all works so it usually takes a day or two for your project to be approved.

We will always keep you updated on progress via email though and as soon as your crowdfunding campaign has been approved, you be the first to know. Until then it will not show up on our site and your link won work. Make sure to check your spam every once in a while in case that’s where our emails land and if they do, mark as not spam to get our emails straight to you.

Is a Video Required to Launch a Campaign?

Including a video of you in action in your talent crowdfunding campaign can have a massive impact, however, it is not necessarily required. You should want people to see you doing what you are good at to get them to fund you. Just something to think about.

What Happens If I Don’t Raise My Goal?

You will be rewarded whatever you raise in your campaign.

Does reaching my goal early end my campaign?

No, your crowdfunding campaign will continue until your selected finish date.You can receive funding above the amount you have asked for we’ve had projects reach 350% + of their target!

Who is responsible for delivering the rewards?

You, the campaign creator, are fully responsible for delivering the rewards to your sponsors that you outlined in your crowdfunding campaign. TalentBacker only provides the platform to facilitate funding. If you are unable to deliver the rewards then you are responsible for providing a full refund to your supporters and sponsors.

Can a Company Sponsor A Campaign?

Company Sponsor? Absolutely. Anybody at all can sponsor a campaign online at TalentBacker and many of our campaigners will have sponsorship reward options specifically tailored to companies. You can contact us at to find out more about company sponsorship.

Why Sponsor A Campaign?

The income for most aspiring/amateur entertainers is non-existent and this puts many artists and entertainers at a disadvantage because they do not have the funds for proper equipment, production, travel expenses and many other things. If you sponsor a campaign on TalentBacker it allows you to contribute to an individual`s or group’s career, so you can be a part of their journey to success and be involved on their road to fame!

Enjoy the benefits of sponsoring people, be involved in their triumph and struggles, be inspired by their passion and determination. Be part of their team for as little as the change in your pocket! Share their messages and content on social media, spread the word with friends, take part and get involved.

Do Sponsors Get Equity in Projects They Fund?

No they don`t. The funds a sponsor contributes will go directly to the individual/group. The reason for a donation is to show your support for a person’s goal and to see a dream become a reality. The campaign will have tailored rewards, which can be selected by the sponsor as a show of appreciation for their donation.

Can I Sponsor A Campaign Anonymously?

Yes, you can sponsor an campaign anonymously and a lot of people do, but there’s really no need to be shy as what you’re doing is a really, really great thing!

Do I Have to Choose a Reward?

No. If you don’t want to receive a reward simply click the no reward button.

Can I Pledge Any Amount?

Yes, any amount of sponsorship for an artist or group is greatly appreciated.

I Can’t Afford To Sponsor, Is There Any Other Way I Can Help?

Yes there is! Sharing a crowdfunding campaign`s link on social media is a highly effective way of helping the project you want to support.