Best foods to eat after a workout

Do not let the hard work go to waste, you have put a lot of effort into your workout and reach your goals. Your post-workout meal should be just as important as your actual workout regime. Consuming the correct nutrients after you exercise is vital for your body to maximise it’s recovery. After you workout your body tried to rebuild its glycogen and repair those muscles. By eating the correct food soon after your workout you can help your body recover much faster.

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We have compiled a list of the best foods to eat after a workout for you.


1. Eggs


Eggs are crucial in your diet and we rank them as one of the best foods to eat after a workout. It is very important to have Protein and Carbohydrates after you workout. The average eggs packs a whooper 6 grams of protein and one of few foods that naturally contain vitamin D. Make sure you include any form of cooked eggs in your diet as they absorb twice as much protein as raw eggs do.

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2. Quinoa




To achieve your carb intake, you can have Quinoa. It is much superior to brown rice because of it’s made hugely up of vitamins and good nutrients. It also contains far more protein and fiber than brown rice. You can include Quinoa in all your post-workout meals and it makes a great replacement for rice or pasta.

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3. Orange Juice


We know you’ll be thirsty after an intense workout and instead of having a fizzy drink, treat yourself to a glass of Vitamin C. A glass of orange juice is very good for you as it includes all the correct nutrients to help you recover. It is full of potassium too, this is important as electrolytes help our bodies restore fluid levels. You can also inlcude orange juice in your post-workout protein shakes.

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4. Bananas



The perfect kind of carbs you will need after you workout. These are full of potassium and fact-acting carbs. Which inturn will help you restore your body level’s of glycogen and help your body recover damaged muscles. You will need all the energy you can get after a hardcore workout.

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5. Salmon with sweet potato



Aside from the usual protein perks, salmon has bioactive peptides, small protein molecules that play a role in inflammation reduction, helping to regulate insulin levels and give you joint support. Sweet potatoes pack in those complex carbs as well as help to restore glycogen levels, which get depleted after a workout.

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6. Blueberries



Blueberries are one of the best kinds of fruit to eat after a workout. The act as a major antioxidant and some studies show that they can triple your rate of recovery after intense workouts. They also make a perfect addition to your oatmeal in the mornings.

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7. Whole-Grain Pita and Hummus


The ideal meat-free option and makes an easy dish to prepare if you are extremely exhausted from your workout. It is made up from chickpeas, hummus and slow releasing carbs from the pita. This meal will help keep your energy levels up after a tough workout.

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8. Tart Cherries




When you lift heavy objects up and down multiple times, this can cause major stress on the body. In order to overcome the soreness and help your body recover, have a glass of cherry juice before or after your workout. Cherry juice can reduce inflammation of your muscles significantly.


9. Dried Fruit and Nuts




If you have some way to travel after your workout and are in dire need of a nibble then nuts make the perfect snack. You can achieve a very quick protein and carb fix in one go. Soy nuts are very useful for building muscle and a half cup contains almost 34 grams of protein.


10. Water


Seems obvious to most people, but it is crucial to intake a couple of litres of water all throughout the day. Failure to hydrate yourself is a common exercising mistake.  If you want to feel good and look good, you should replace every pound lost during your workout with 2-3 glasses of water.  It is essential!


Do you agree with our rundown of the best foods to eat after a workout ? or have any other suggestions?  If not let us know!


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