The Fittest Sport On The Planet

€œThe Fittest Sport€ series is sponsored by Mongoose Sports & Entertainment

Its an age-old source of debate among athletes, pundits and fans alike. But, after much research, Pledge Sports are providing a definitive answer to a near-impossible question: €œWhat is the fittest sport?€

The Fittest Sport

Its important to note, by €œthe fittest sport€ we arent referring solely to an athletes level of general fitness, but rather their all-rounded ability, fitness, and skill their sport requires.

For example, a marathon runner runs 26 miles per event, but a soccer player averages 7 miles per game €“ including sprints, constant change of direction, tactical awareness, physically battling opposition players, dribbling and kicking a ball. The comparison of skill set is an unfair contest.

After much debate, we narrowed it down to 7 sports €“ here are the results:


2805_ROnaldo_blogjpgTo compete at an elite level, players need a well-developed aerobic engine. They cover incredible mileage, running non-stop for 90 minutes in a combination of intense, short bursts of speed, quick change of direction and conducting skilful actions while moving at high very speeds.

The fact they burn 1,000 calories per game is a clear indicator of the fitness demands soccer has.

Want to read more about what makes soccer €œThe Fittest Sport€? Get the full article here.


000d65bc-800Tennis combines the power of a sprinter, the stamina of a marathon runner and peak hand-eye coordination at the most elite level.

With a recovery time of 20 seconds between points, often be after rallies of 25/30 shots, insane fitness is vital. Even after 4 hours of play, players can still serve at speeds over 140 mph.

See what makes tennis €œThe Fittest Sport€ here.


joshua-2Boxing may be the ultimate test of physical and mental stamina in sport. They rely on incredibly quick footwork, the ability to throw accurate, powerful punches for 12 three-minute rounds while also trying to avoid punches from an opponent intent on knocking them out.

While constantly moving at speed and throwing punches is draining, taking blow after blow from an opponent doubles the speed at which energy drains from the body. Hence, these guys are seriously fit.

Want to know why boxing is €œThe Fittest Sport€? Get all the answers here.



Modern rugby is the era of dynamic all-rounders. Players must be powerful, strong and explosively quick to success at the highest level. This is not to mention the stamina required to endure big tackles and constant running for 70 minutes.

Players engage in bursts of pace, quick change of direction and very consistent tackles carrying and average impact of 25G in force.

Rugby belongs on the list of fittest sports. See why here.

Cross-Country Skiing

32789_FLS_W01Nordic Skiing (also known as Cross-Country or XC Skiing) is the original form of skiing, with its roots in Scandinavia.

Nordic skiing is almost unparalleled by any other sport when it comes to required fitness. Travelling quickly, often uphill, using both your arms and legs, makes it a true full-body workout.

According to sports magazine, Outside, the highest VO2 max ever recorded belongs to Norwegian Nordic skier Bjorn Daehlie. He recorded a score of 96.0 ml/min/kg!

You wont believe how fit these guys are! Get the full article here.

Believe it or not, Nordic Skiing also tops our list of the Ultimate Endurance Sports


melissa-gonzalez-olympic-field-hockey-preview (1)At its highest level, hockey demands a combination of sprinting, change of direction, tactical awareness and defending.

Throw into the mix the ability to control, dribble, pass, and shoot with a hockey stick and the ability required for hockey becomes quite clear.

Hockey players have their own criteria of fitness. For arguments sake, lets call it hockey fit. Hockey is about short, sharp actions and movements which are done explosively and repeated over 70 minutes.

Want to know exactly what makes hockey €œThe Fittest Sport€? Get the full article here.



Triathlon is a multi-sport event consisting of running, swimming and cycling.

The Ironman Triathlon, an event considered by many as the pinnacle of fitness, consists of a 3.8km swim, 180km cycle and a 42.2km run.

A recent study published in the journal Pain explained that triathletes experience less pain than your average exerciser.

Triathletes are insanely tough. See why they make €œThe Fittest Sport€ list here.

Enough of the super fit athletes of the sporting world, take a look at the champions of pubs and snooker halls around the globe with our blog on The Most Unfit Sports.