The Best Sports for Losing Weight

At PledgeSports we like to practise what we preach so we thought we’d publish what we think are the best sports for weight loss.  Most of these sports are easy on the body and are accessible by most people.  We already covered the best exercises and foods to aid weight loss now here’s the best sports for losing weight !

Here’s our recommendations onthe best sports for losing weight :

Taekwondo –

1 Hour of Exercise – 900+ Calories Burned



Taekwondo is a Korean martial art and the national sport of South Korea.

According to, there are many benefits:

€œA typical Taekwondo class involves dynamic punching and kicking drills, blocks, core-strengthening exercises and stretches. Youll build stamina and strength through such active movements.”

It can also improve muscle tone and appearance and increase your overall flexibility. While performing these moves with an increased heart rate you will shred those pounds in no time.

 The best foods to aid weight loss

Swimming –

1 Hour of Exercise – 880+ Calories Burned 

The many swimming strokes will help you get different types of aerobic exercise and will provide a new challenge to master. All you need is your local swimming pool and you can literally shred hundreds of calories with an hour of swimming. With it’s low impact and high results, you cannot deny swimming is a must in order for you to gain optimum results. A few laps of the pool a day can make a huge difference in your fitness levels. Try it now!


Cross Country Skiing –

1 Hour of Exercise – 850+ Calories Burned


This is one of the top Nordic sports out there that will help you clear your mind and relieve stress as you will be breathing the freshest air possible. Cross country skiing is one of the most demanding of all sports and recently topped our lists of Fittest and top Endurance sports.  It may not be accessible to everyone but for cardio and fat burning its definitely one of the best sports for losing weight and it’s also great fun!

 The best physical exercises for weight loss

Kickboxing –

1 Hour of Exercise – 770+ Calories Burned 


When you learn kickboxing, you will learn self-defence, you will increase your fitness levels and engage your entire body while doing so. It is a fantastic sport that will work your entire body.  Kickboxing focuses on your core, your arms and shoulders, your legs and glutes. It also helps you increase stamina and it is great cardio workout that boosts your cardiovascular health.


Basketball –

1 Hour of Exercise – 700+ Calories Burned 


A fantastic team sport that makes working out and losing weight that much easier. Basketball will help you burn fat, relax, strengthen up your cardiovascular system and build team spirit all at once. All you need is a ball and a hoop for maximum fun and maximum results.

 Best foods to eat after a workout 

Running –

1 Hour of Exercise – 700+ Calories Burned 


Running is one of the easiest and best sports for losing weight appeals to many people around the world. As a sport, running requires a lot of hard training and discipline. If you feel like you need to lose some weight, all you need is some running shoes and comfortable clothing.  Running will strengthen your bodies muscles and increase your stamina. Weight will naturally fall off whilst burning all those calories.

 The most physically challenging sports to play

Ice Skating –

1 Hour of Exercise – 650+ Calories Burned 


What might seem surprising to some but ice skating is hugely demanding on the body. It builds leg muscles: Focusing on lower-body movement, ice skating offers great exercise for the leg muscles, building and toning them up over time.


Cycling –

1 Hour of Exercise – 500+ Calories Burned 


Riding a bike is one of the best cardiovascular exercises out there. You can always throw in a competitive edge when you are out cycling like challenging yourself to get somewhere faster and beat a time you previously had. This will make your bike rides more exciting and you are also shredding the pounds. A study has proven the following benefits from cycling –

  • Youll get to a place faster
  • Help you sleep more deeply
  • Youll look younger
  • Cycling will boost your bowels
  • Cycling will increase your brain power
  • Lose weight by riding your bike

 The 10 healthiest sports you can do 

Volleyball –

1 Hour of Exercise – 350+ Calories Burned 


The physical activities involved in playing volleyball will strengthen the upper body, arms and shoulders as well as the muscles of the thighs and lower legs. Playing volleyball also tones and strengthens the cardiovascular andrespiratory systems.


Bowling –

1 Hour of Exercise – 200+ Calories Burned 


A surprise to many of you, Bowling is actually a really good sport for losing weight and toning up. When you are swinging your arm to throw the bowling ball, the stretching and flexing that occurs provides enough exercise for the tendons, ligaments,muscles and joints in your arms. This leads to your body want to burn those calories and aid your weight loss.

 The top foods for protein


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