The Best Mountain Climbing Destinations

There will come a point in your life where you should set yourself a goal so high and off the beaten track that it will testify your physical and psychological limit to the extreme.  (While not trying to lill yourself!) Something that might give you a new perspective of the world and prove just what youre capable of.

“Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go” – TS Eliot

Mountain climbing is one of the fastest growing activities or sports in the past decade. Not only is this a fun, exciting, and healthy activity, but people also have the chance to see some of the most beautiful places on the entire planet. So if you are not persuaded just yet to climb a mountain, then we may make you think again. Here are the best mountain climbing destinations from around the world.

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K2 – Asia

best mountain climbing destinations

Standing at  28,251 feet tall, K2 is the second tallest mountain in the world. K2 is not a mountain novices should climb and sometimes even experienced climbers have a hard time conquering this giant.  Many say that K2 provides a much more difficult challenge than Everest. This mountain is located in Asia in the Karakoram Range, between Pakistan and China. Often regarded as the ultimate challenge for the worlds best mountaineers€”and the graveyard of many of their ambitions. In 2008, in the worst accident in its history, 11 climbers perished trying to climb K2. Definitely a mountain for the experienced climber!

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The Matterhorn – Switzerland

best mountain climbing destinations

Nestled in the Swiss Alps, the Matterhorn is Europes most recognised summit €“ which was also the birthplace of the sport of mountaineering. The Matterhorn is a tough climb that is 4,478 m (14,692 ft) tall. A mountain that offers the best climbs for any level of mountain climber. If you are a beginner, take the Lion or Hornli Ridge routes, as they have a lot of supportive tools that can help you climb easier. On the other hand, if you are up for the full challenge go with North Face, Furggen Ridges or Zmutt routes.

Kilimanjaro – Tanzania

best mountain climbing destinations

One of the most famous climbs in the world is that of Mt.Kilimanjaro. It is the highest mountain in Africa. It has a flat top and its located in Tanzania on its northern border. It is permanently snow-capped at its summit which is an insane contrast to the arid savannah below. The mountain is made up of three extinct volcanoes, Kibo, Mawenzi, and Shira €“ but fear not: the last major eruption was over 360,000 years ago.

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Mount Toubkal – Morocco

best mountain climbing destinations

As the highest mountain in north Africa, Toubkal offers an extremely rocky climbing pursuit. Climbers are able to experience hiking through traditional villages and the option to stretch your climb between 2 days or 6 days, dependant on your experience and just how much you can tolerate the mountainous environment.

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Mount Fuji – Japan

best mountain climbing destinations

Mother natures almost perfectly cone-shaped volcano has made it one of the most photographed of all time. The volcano stands at 3,776 m (12,389 ft) tall and the best time to climb the beautiful mountain is July €“ September. More than 300,000 climbers dare to ascend this volcano every year making it one of the most popular and best mountain climbing destinations in all of the world.

Mount Everest – Tibet and Nepal

best mountain climbing destinations

Quite a dangerous mountain to climb due to its wind, cold weather and excessive height. Mount Everest is of course the tallest mountain in the world. Famous for it’s snow capped mountains and difficult climbs, Everest is the pinnacle of mountain climbing and it right at the top of everyones bucket list! Well climbers bucket’s list anyway. Due to its reputation, this mountain is visited by climbers of different experience levels. Some of them are used to climbing similar routes, while others have slim hiking knowledge. Nevertheless, there are a lot of verified professional climbers who can help inexperienced climbers get to the top.


Mount Khuiten – Mongolia

best mountain climbing destinations

The mountain straddles the corners of Russia, China, and Mongolia. To reach it, trekkers must cross a golden, vast, and barren landscape that is one of the last remote regions on Earth. The whole track to the top is not very steep but the journey can be long and fairly difficult for inexperienced hikers. This is why its recommended to travel light and carry with you the absolute necessities.

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Mount McKinley – United States

best mountain climbing destinations

This is the tallest peak in whole North America. This mountain has the greatest elevation gain of all other mountains. This is one of the toughest peaks to climb and it requires a full-blown expedition that has to be well-planned. The route to the top is not difficult, but the weather is so severe that people can have major issues climbing. McKinley is definitely one mountain ridge that only the best can conquer. It is for sure one of the best mountain climbing destinations not only in America but the entire world.

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