Top 10 Healthiest Sports

Sport promotes competition, creativity and inspires us all to improve, but not all sports have the same impact on your overall health. Because of this, we have come up with a list of the Top 10 Healthiest Sports.

At PledgeSports they are complete sports nuts and care for the well-being of all athletes across all levels. They have already covered €œThe Fittest Sport€, but the sports on this list are accessible for players of any age, from beginner to professional.

These sports are proven to have huge physical and mental health benefits, as well as carrying low injury rates.

Here are the 10 Healthiest Sports.


1200-woman-running-on-roadRunning is a sport for all ages: people who run regularly are less likely to experience bone and muscle loss as they get older compared to those who do not. Through running, bones grow stronger by responding to physical demands.

Running is also great for mental and overall physical health. Going for a run causes a release of endorphins which creates a well-known sensation referred to commonly as €œrunners high.€

Ever wondered which sport has the fittest athletes? See why tennis makes the list!


If its your heart youre looking after there are few ways better to do it than swimming. Perfect for all ages and levels due to its low-stress nature, swimming keeps you at a healthy body weight, improves lung capacity, and builds muscles, all in addition to burning calories.

Best of all, swimming can be done any time of year at an indoor pool, and often there are clubs to be joined and classes to be taken, which means the social aspect is never far behind the health.

Away from the swimming pool, sea swimming is hugely popular all over the world. With sea swimming, you get the same exercise free of charge, all the while enjoying the beauty that surrounds you.

Enjoying this? Youll love all of the expert tips from our €œHealthy Living€ section


family cycling-xlargeThankfully, you dont need to be trying to win the Tour de France to reap the rewards of this fantastic sport.

Cycling classes are great fun, an even better workout and are available everywhere. Cycling is a low-impact way to burn a tonne of calories, but it also makes you feel happier and makes your brain perform much better.

Dr Aurthur Kramer of the University of Illinois once said of cycling: €œOur research finds that after only three months, people who exercised had the brain volume of those three years younger.€

Still not convinced of cyclings health benefits? Here are 8 reasons to hop on your bike


Did you know that one hour of tennis burns 600 calories? That puts it on top of the list of the best aerobic activities. All the little sprints, pivots, slams, and serves in tennis channel your strength and require you to exert energy in short but powerful bursts. This type of activity is incredibly effective in developing fitness and expanding lung capacity.

A great feature off tennis off the court is the club aspect. Tennis is popular worldwide, so no matter where you are, what level you play or what age bracket you belong to, there are clubs everywhere to cater to your needs.

Tennis is the key to a longer, healthier life €“ find out why here!


3d48ca_06bea451f8f9421ba88f9b4884808e6bHiking outdoors has plenty of perks: nice views, fresh air, and the sounds and smells of nature. Its good for you, too.

Hiking is a powerful cardio workout that lowers blood pressure, decreases the likelihood of heart disease, builds strength in your core muscles and improves balance.

As if that wasnt good enough, Gregory Miller, president of the American Hiking Society, said, €œResearch shows that hiking has a positive impact on combating the symptoms of stress and anxiety. Being in nature is ingrained in our DNA, and we sometimes forget that.€

All of that hiking will demand fuel €“ check out the top 10 superfoods & keep your body going


Forbes has named squash the #1 healthiest sport in the world for many years in a row. It burns calories, increases aerobic fitness, boosts flexibility, develops strength and power, and improves hand-eye coordination.

Like tennis, squash offers a great social scene which further promotes mental wellbeing and healthy competition.

Ever wondered what the worlds best athletes eat? 


slider21The benefits of golf are fantastic, and they improve with age. Balance and muscle endurance in older people are improved, while players of all ages improve cardiovascular, respiratory and metabolic health.

Golfing can also help those who suffered chronic diseases including heart disease, type 2 diabetes, colon and breast cancer and stroke, as well as helping reduce the risk of anxiety, depression and dementia.

On average, golfers typically burn a minimum of 500 calories over 18 holes and those walking the course could cover four to eight miles, according to a study by scientists at Edinburgh University.

One of golfs greatest benefits is its well-renowned social scene. Being part of a golf club means players can join societies and play in open events which promote mixing with other players of your level. Clubs are where friendships are forged and sport is enjoyed by all.


Rowing has a near-endless list of health benefits, which range from effective weight loss, a low risk of injury, and increased muscle strength. Rowing can be done inside on a rowing machine, or, after some practice, out in the great outdoors.

Rowing produces powerful results for athletes of all ages and can be engaged in at a pace which suits each respective athlete too. Its a great all-around workout and one which could help you stay healthy well into your older years.

Rowing is one of 5 sports that makes our €˜Toughest Endurance Sports list


spinningGoing to the gym is great because of the classes on offer.

Whether its spinning, TRX, kettlebells or yoga, the gym caters for all ages and abilities so you can feel comfortable in your surroundings and get a great workout whenever you want it.

Due to a rise in popularity, gyms offer specific classes for the likes of fat burning, muscle toning, aerobic exercise etc., so there really is something for everyone. In addition, going to classes means you can meet people of the same level and encourage each other to get the most from your classes, while also enjoying their company.